Wolfe Brothers Farm

Wellsboro, PA

The families of Kris and Tony Wolfe and Steve May farm the rolling hills around the little grand canyon in Wellsboro, PA. Originally, the trio milked dairy cows while raising corn, wheat, and green beans, but saw a way to raise beef more in harmony with the cover crops and forages they wanted to grow and feed. Kris and Tony believe in their calling as caretakers of the earth and the lives that have been entrusted to them. This starts with a deep respect and a nurturing approach to the simplest of things - the soil. Countless hours are spent on the protection and care of not just the physical soil, but of the micro-biologic life that builds the healthy soil foundation. On their farm, this translates into healthy, productive, and nutritious crops that feed both animals and people. They have worked to find ways to feed cattle from the cover crops and traditional forages that they grow in a crop rotation. This makes for healthier cows and healthier soil - both benefit from each other! Kris and Tony's role as caretakers really comes to light as they raise both grass fed and grain finished beef using all-natural methods. Keeping animals healthy and growing without the use of antibiotics, steroids, or growth implants is not for the faint of heart, but they do it with attention to detail and a holistic approach to animal welfare. Their cows and calves are raised on pasture and supplemented with forage from their farm during the winter.