Tiffany Farm

Athens , PA

Andrew and Megan Tiffany and have grown up with farming in their blood - both growing up on dairy farms. They have been in the beef business with Don and Donna Feusner (Megan's parents) since 2012. Their children, Wyatt -age 5 and Warren - age 4, love nothing more than being on the farm. Megan is a large animal veterinarian working mostly with cattle consulting on farms in Pennsylvania and New York. On the farm, she takes care of the herd health and management of the herd. Andy handles the day to day operation and logistics of the farm. They are a fourth generation family farm located in the beautiful endless mountains of Pennsylvania. Their calves are born and raised on the farm and stay there their entire lives. They finish their beef on a balanced diet consisting of corn and hay grown on the farm. The corn finish offers a superb flavor to the meat that grass or hay alone can't provide. Meat quality is taken very seriously! Their animals have human contact on a daily basis to promote a well balanced, well socialized animal. This creates a less stressful experience at the time of butchering and thus - better meat quality. They handle cattle in the quietest manner possible to prevent stress, bruising and damage to the carcass. They even breed their cows with meat quality in mind. Their cows are bred to registered Angus sires chosen to enhance carcass quality, marbling and ribeye size.